Selasa, 06 September 2022

i will give you time

Hold on a sec

Can we take a breath together? 

Just one deep breath, right now 

Because we've been through a lot 

You've been through a lot 

You've been through a lot in your life, and you've been through a lot by moving through this so far 

How do you feel? 

If you feel unsettled or unsteady, don't worry 

It's normal 

Confronting memories, especially the most traumatic ones, and sitting with them

is a big deal

Remember to give yourself time and space to feel  good during this process

What makes you feel good?

Perhaps it's going for a walk in nature 

Having a coffee with a friend 

Spending an evening in with a loved one 

Going to the cinema 

Cuddling your pillow 

Playing with your cat 

You deserve to do the things that lift your spirits and soothe your soul 

This healing process doesn't have to be all hard 

Life is still a big

Beautiful experience to be lived 

You're still a miraculous arrangement of atoms 

A Unique expression of energy and you're meant to be here 

Just smile and enjoyed

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